
Structs group together many variables of different types in a single named type. They may be used inside mappings and arrays and may contain mappings and arrays as fields. We can declare them with the keyword struct:

struct Point {
    int256 x;
    int256 y;

struct Rectangle {
    Point: topLeft;
    Point: bottomRight;

struct Player {
    string username;
    address account;
    uint256 gamesWon;
    uint256 gamesLost;
    uint256[] gameIds;

We can define them in a few ways:

Point memory origin = Point({x: 0, y: 0});

Rectangle memory rect = Rectangle(
    Point(10, 0),
    Point(0, 20)

Player player; // Defaults to storage
player.username = "horsefacts";
player.account = address(0x1234);
player.gamesWon = 5;
// gamesLost will remain default value of 0
// gameIds will remain default value of []

And access their fields using the dot operator:

> 0

> 10

> 1

Structs that contain mappings or dynamic arrays must have data location storage and must be created using the second syntax, since mappings and dynamic arrays cannot be created in memory.