Refactoring internally

Let's refactor the way we refer to game data internally to read from the games mapping rather than global variables. First, let's define our new Game struct and add a mapping:

contract TicTacToken {
    uint256[9] public board;
    address public owner;
    address public playerX;
    address public playerO;

    struct Game {
        address playerX;
        address playerO;
        uint256 turns;
        uint256[9] board;
    mapping(uint256 => Game) games;

    uint256 internal constant EMPTY = 0;
    uint256 internal constant X = 1;
    uint256 internal constant O = 2;
    uint256 internal _turns;

    constructor(address _owner, address _playerX, address _playerO) {
        owner = _owner;
        playerX = _playerX;
        playerO = _playerO;

Since nothing is using either of these yet, all our tests still pass:

$ forge test
Running 25 tests for src/test/TicTacToken.t.sol:TicTacTokenTest
[PASS] test_auth_nonplayer_cannot_mark_space() (gas: 14913)
[PASS] test_auth_playerO_can_mark_space() (gas: 84612)
[PASS] test_auth_playerX_can_mark_space() (gas: 57687)
[PASS] test_can_mark_space_with_O() (gas: 106093)
[PASS] test_can_mark_space_with_X() (gas: 67849)
[PASS] test_cannot_overwrite_marked_space() (gas: 83135)
[PASS] test_checks_for_antidiagonal_win() (gas: 222815)
[PASS] test_checks_for_diagonal_win() (gas: 198684)
[PASS] test_checks_for_horizontal_win() (gas: 196829)
[PASS] test_checks_for_horizontal_win_row2() (gas: 197126)
[PASS] test_checks_for_vertical_win() (gas: 221544)
[PASS] test_contract_owner() (gas: 7661)
[PASS] test_draw_returns_no_winner() (gas: 269962)
[PASS] test_empty_board_returns_no_winner() (gas: 32303)
[PASS] test_game_in_progress_returns_no_winner() (gas: 92559)
[PASS] test_get_board() (gas: 29218)
[PASS] test_has_empty_board() (gas: 32173)
[PASS] test_msg_sender() (gas: 238582)
[PASS] test_non_owner_cannot_reset_board() (gas: 12706)
[PASS] test_owner_can_reset_board() (gas: 32939)
[PASS] test_reset_board() (gas: 158387)
[PASS] test_stores_player_O() (gas: 7749)
[PASS] test_stores_player_X() (gas: 7794)
[PASS] test_symbols_must_alternate() (gas: 70209)
[PASS] test_tracks_current_turn() (gas: 108163)
Test result: ok. 25 passed; 0 failed; finished in 2.48ms

Now for a big refactor: let's move the game state from the global state variables to the first struct in the games mapping. That means anywhere we're referring to board, playerX, playerO, or _turns, we should instead point to games[0].board, games[0].playerX, etc. (Find-and-replace can help).

Here's our full contract after this change:

contract TicTacToken {
    uint256[9] public board;
    address public owner;
    address public playerX;
    address public playerO;

    struct Game {
        address playerX;
        address playerO;
        uint256 turns;
        uint256[9] board;
    mapping(uint256 => Game) games;

    uint256 internal constant EMPTY = 0;
    uint256 internal constant X = 1;
    uint256 internal constant O = 2;
    uint256 internal _turns;

    constructor(address _owner, address _playerX, address _playerO) {
        owner = _owner;
        games[0].playerX = _playerX;
        games[0].playerO = _playerO;

    function getBoard() public view returns (uint256[9] memory) {
        return games[0].board;

    function resetBoard() public {
            msg.sender == owner,
        delete games[0].board;

    function markSpace(uint256 space) public {
        require(_validPlayer(), "Unauthorized");
        require(_validTurn(), "Not your turn");
        require(_emptySpace(space), "Already marked");
        games[0].board[space] = _getSymbol(msg.sender);

    function currentTurn() public view returns (uint256) {
        return (games[0].turns % 2 == 0) ? X : O;

    function msgSender() public view returns (address) {
        return msg.sender;

    function winner() public view returns (uint256) {
        uint256[8] memory wins = [
        for (uint256 i; i < wins.length; i++) {
            uint256 win = _checkWin(wins[i]);
            if (win == X || win == O) return win;
        return 0;

    function _getSymbol(address player) public view returns (uint256) {
        if (player == games[0].playerX) return X;
        if (player == games[0].playerO) return O;
        return EMPTY;

    function _validTurn() internal view returns (bool) {
        return currentTurn() == _getSymbol(msg.sender);

    function _validPlayer() internal view returns (bool) {
        return msg.sender == games[0].playerX || msg.sender == games[0].playerO;

    function _checkWin(uint256 product) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        if (product == 1) {
            return X;
        if (product == 8) {
            return O;
        return 0;

    function _row(uint256 row) internal view returns (uint256) {
        require(row < 3, "Invalid row");
        uint256 idx = 3 * row;
        return games[0].board[idx] * games[0].board[idx + 1] * games[0].board[idx + 2];

    function _col(uint256 col) internal view returns (uint256) {
        require(col < 3, "Invalid column");
        return games[0].board[col] * games[0].board[col + 3] * games[0].board[col + 6];

    function _diag() internal view returns (uint256) {
        return games[0].board[0] * games[0].board[4] * games[0].board[8];

    function _antiDiag() internal view returns (uint256) {
        return games[0].board[2] * games[0].board[4] * games[0].board[6];

    function _validTurn(uint256 symbol) internal view returns (bool) {
        return symbol == currentTurn();

    function _emptySpace(uint256 i) internal view returns (bool) {
        return games[0].board[i] == EMPTY;

    function _validSymbol(uint256 symbol) internal pure returns (bool) {
        return symbol == X || symbol == O;

Was it a clean refactor? Let's run the tests and see:

$ forge test
Running 25 tests for src/test/TicTacToken.t.sol:TicTacTokenTest
[PASS] test_auth_nonplayer_cannot_mark_space() (gas: 14946)
[PASS] test_auth_playerO_can_mark_space() (gas: 85032)
[PASS] test_auth_playerX_can_mark_space() (gas: 57870)
[PASS] test_cannot_overwrite_marked_space() (gas: 83453)
[PASS] test_checks_for_antidiagonal_win() (gas: 225083)
[PASS] test_checks_for_diagonal_win() (gas: 200715)
[PASS] test_checks_for_horizontal_win() (gas: 198860)
[PASS] test_checks_for_horizontal_win_row2() (gas: 199157)
[PASS] test_checks_for_vertical_win() (gas: 223812)
[PASS] test_contract_owner() (gas: 7661)
[PASS] test_draw_returns_no_winner() (gas: 272650)
[PASS] test_empty_board_returns_no_winner() (gas: 33311)
[PASS] test_game_in_progress_returns_no_winner() (gas: 93750)
[PASS] test_get_board() (gas: 29269)
[PASS] test_has_empty_board() (gas: 32173)
[PASS] test_msg_sender() (gas: 238582)
[PASS] test_non_owner_cannot_reset_board() (gas: 12706)
[PASS] test_owner_can_reset_board() (gas: 32996)
[PASS] test_reset_board() (gas: 159292)
[FAIL] test_stores_player_O() (gas: 18614)
  Error: a == b not satisfied [address]
    Expected: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000003
      Actual: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

[FAIL] test_stores_player_X() (gas: 18659)
  Error: a == b not satisfied [address]
    Expected: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002
      Actual: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

[FAIL] test_can_mark_space_with_O() (gas: 119317)
  Error: a == b not satisfied [uint]
    Expected: 2
      Actual: 0

[FAIL] test_can_mark_space_with_X() (gas: 80836)
  Error: a == b not satisfied [uint]
    Expected: 1
      Actual: 0

[PASS] test_symbols_must_alternate() (gas: 70440)
[PASS] test_tracks_current_turn() (gas: 108637)
Test result: FAILED. 21 passed; 4 failed; finished in 4.08ms

Failed tests:
[FAIL] test_can_mark_space_with_O() (gas: 119317)
[FAIL] test_can_mark_space_with_X() (gas: 80836)
[FAIL] test_stores_player_O() (gas: 18614)
[FAIL] test_stores_player_X() (gas: 18659)

Encountered a total of 4 failing tests, 21 tests succeeded

Pretty good, but we've missed a few spots where our tests are relying on default getters for board, playerO, and playerX:

    function test_stores_player_X() public {
        assertEq(ttt.playerX(), PLAYER_X);

    function test_stores_player_O() public {
        assertEq(ttt.playerO(), PLAYER_O);

    function test_can_mark_space_with_X() public {
        assertEq(ttt.board(0), X);

    function test_can_mark_space_with_O() public {
        assertEq(ttt.board(1), O);

Let's update these to read from the mapping instead. Note that we can use multiple assignment to access the values of a struct:

    function test_stores_player_X() public {
        (address playerXAddr,,) =;
        assertEq(playerXAddr, PLAYER_X);

    function test_stores_player_O() public {
        (, address playerOAddr,) =;
        assertEq(playerOAddr, PLAYER_O);

    function test_can_mark_space_with_X() public {
        assertEq(ttt.getBoard()[0], X);

    function test_can_mark_space_with_O() public {
        assertEq(ttt.getBoard()[1], O);

Confirm that our tests pass:

$ forge test
Running 25 tests for src/test/TicTacToken.t.sol:TicTacTokenTest
[PASS] test_auth_nonplayer_cannot_mark_space() (gas: 14946)
[PASS] test_auth_playerO_can_mark_space() (gas: 85032)
[PASS] test_auth_playerX_can_mark_space() (gas: 57870)
[PASS] test_can_mark_space_with_O() (gas: 123671)
[PASS] test_can_mark_space_with_X() (gas: 87187)
[PASS] test_cannot_overwrite_marked_space() (gas: 83453)
[PASS] test_checks_for_antidiagonal_win() (gas: 225094)
[PASS] test_checks_for_diagonal_win() (gas: 200726)
[PASS] test_checks_for_horizontal_win() (gas: 198871)
[PASS] test_checks_for_horizontal_win_row2() (gas: 199168)
[PASS] test_checks_for_vertical_win() (gas: 223823)
[PASS] test_contract_owner() (gas: 7696)
[PASS] test_draw_returns_no_winner() (gas: 272661)
[PASS] test_empty_board_returns_no_winner() (gas: 33322)
[PASS] test_game_in_progress_returns_no_winner() (gas: 93761)
[PASS] test_get_board() (gas: 29291)
[PASS] test_has_empty_board() (gas: 32470)
[PASS] test_msg_sender() (gas: 238687)
[PASS] test_non_owner_cannot_reset_board() (gas: 12728)
[PASS] test_owner_can_reset_board() (gas: 33018)
[PASS] test_reset_board() (gas: 159327)
[PASS] test_stores_player_O() (gas: 12233)
[PASS] test_stores_player_X() (gas: 12299)
[PASS] test_symbols_must_alternate() (gas: 70440)
[PASS] test_tracks_current_turn() (gas: 108670)
Test result: ok. 25 passed; 0 failed; finished in 4.00ms

Finally, we can remove the global board, playerX, playerO, and _turns:

contract TicTacToken {
    address public owner;

    struct Game {
        address playerX;
        address playerO;
        uint256 turns;
        uint256[9] board;
    mapping(uint256 => Game) public games;

    uint256 internal constant EMPTY = 0;
    uint256 internal constant X = 1;
    uint256 internal constant O = 2;

    constructor(address _owner, address _playerX, address _playerO) {
        owner = _owner;
        games[0].playerX = _playerX;
        games[0].playerO = _playerO;

Up next, updating the external interface to take game ID as a parameter.