Requiring authorized players

Let's follow the same pattern as the contract owner and store authorized addresses for player X and player O. We can start by passing these as constructor arguments, too.

First, two new tests:

    address internal constant PLAYER_X = address(2);
    address internal constant PLAYER_O = address(3);

    function setUp() public {
        ttt = new TicTacToken(OWNER, PLAYER_X, PLAYER_O);

    function test_stores_player_X() public {
        assertEq(ttt.playerX(), PLAYER_X);

    function test_stores_player_O() public {
        assertEq(ttt.playerO(), PLAYER_O);

Then we can add new state variables and constructor args in our contract:

    address public playerX;
    address public playerO;

    constructor(address _owner, address _playerX, address _playerO) {
        owner = _owner;
        playerX = _playerX;
        playerO = _playerO;

Now that we're storing these addresses, let's limit access to markSpace. Just like in resetBoard, let's check that the caller is one of the authorized addresses. Here are a few tests:

    function test_auth_nonplayer_cannot_mark_space() public {
        ttt.markSpace(0, X);

    function test_auth_playerX_can_mark_space() public {
        ttt.markSpace(0, X);

    function test_auth_playerO_can_mark_space() public {
        ttt.markSpace(0, X);

        ttt.markSpace(1, O);

To start, let's just run our new tests rather than the whole suite. Before adding a new require in markSpace, the first one fails, since anyone can mark the board:

$ forge test
Running 3 tests for src/test/TicTacToken.t.sol:TicTacTokenTest
[FAIL. Reason: Call did not revert as expected] test_auth_nonplayer_cannot_mark_space() (gas: 55315)
[PASS] test_auth_playerO_can_mark_space() (gas: 79285)
[PASS] test_auth_playerX_can_mark_space() (gas: 55236)
Test result: FAILED. 2 passed; 1 failed; finished in 2.70ms

Let's add a new require check and a helper function:

    function markSpace(uint256 space, uint256 symbol) public {
        require(_validPlayer(msg.sender), "Unauthorized");
        require(_validSymbol(symbol), "Invalid symbol");
        require(_validTurn(symbol), "Not your turn");
        require(_emptySpace(space), "Already marked");
        board[space] = symbol;

    function _validPlayer(address player) internal view returns (bool) {
        return player == playerX || player == playerO;

With our check in place, the tests all pass:

Running 3 tests for src/test/TicTacToken.t.sol:TicTacTokenTest
[PASS] test_auth_nonplayer_cannot_mark_space() (gas: 14982)
[PASS] test_auth_playerO_can_mark_space() (gas: 83832)
[PASS] test_auth_playerX_can_mark_space() (gas: 57445)
Test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; finished in 2.14ms

Since msg.sender is global, we can access it from _validPlayer without passing it to our helper:

    function markSpace(uint256 space, uint256 symbol) public {
        require(_validPlayer(), "Unauthorized");
        require(_validSymbol(symbol), "Invalid symbol");
        require(_validTurn(symbol), "Not your turn");
        require(_emptySpace(space), "Already marked");
        board[space] = symbol;

    function _validPlayer() internal view returns (bool) {
        return msg.sender == playerX || msg.sender == playerO;

Let's run the whole suite:

$ forge test
Running 26 tests for src/test/TicTacToken.t.sol:TicTacTokenTest
[PASS] test_auth_nonplayer_cannot_mark_space() (gas: 14982)
[PASS] test_auth_playerO_can_mark_space() (gas: 83832)
[PASS] test_auth_playerX_can_mark_space() (gas: 57445)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_can_mark_space_with_O() (gas: 9965)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_can_mark_space_with_X() (gas: 9901)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_cannot_mark_space_with_Z() (gas: 14920)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_cannot_overwrite_marked_space() (gas: 9900)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_checks_for_antidiagonal_win() (gas: 9947)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_checks_for_diagonal_win() (gas: 9899)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_checks_for_horizontal_win() (gas: 9945)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_checks_for_horizontal_win_row2() (gas: 9921)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_checks_for_vertical_win() (gas: 9923)
[PASS] test_contract_owner() (gas: 7728)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_draw_returns_no_winner() (gas: 9900)
[PASS] test_empty_board_returns_no_winner() (gas: 32281)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_game_in_progress_returns_no_winner() (gas: 9937)
[PASS] test_get_board() (gas: 29218)
[PASS] test_has_empty_board() (gas: 32173)
[PASS] test_msg_sender() (gas: 238516)
[PASS] test_non_owner_cannot_reset_board() (gas: 12684)
[PASS] test_owner_can_reset_board() (gas: 32917)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_reset_board() (gas: 9965)
[PASS] test_stores_player_O() (gas: 7727)
[PASS] test_stores_player_X() (gas: 7772)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_symbols_must_alternate() (gas: 9943)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_tracks_current_turn() (gas: 12881)
Test result: FAILED. 12 passed; 14 failed; finished in 3.70ms

Failed tests:
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_can_mark_space_with_O() (gas: 9965)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_can_mark_space_with_X() (gas: 9901)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_cannot_mark_space_with_Z() (gas: 14920)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_cannot_overwrite_marked_space() (gas: 9900)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_checks_for_antidiagonal_win() (gas: 9947)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_checks_for_diagonal_win() (gas: 9899)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_checks_for_horizontal_win() (gas: 9945)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_checks_for_horizontal_win_row2() (gas: 9921)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_checks_for_vertical_win() (gas: 9923)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_draw_returns_no_winner() (gas: 9900)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_game_in_progress_returns_no_winner() (gas: 9937)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_reset_board() (gas: 9965)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_symbols_must_alternate() (gas: 9943)
[FAIL. Reason: Unauthorized] test_tracks_current_turn() (gas: 12881)

Well, the good news is that our modifier works! The bad news is that we now need to prank the address before almost every line of our tests. It's possible to update our tests this way, but let's look at a cleaner pattern: creating a mock user.